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Most of the hyperthyroid patients hold a BMR percent of positive 20% or more and hypothyroid patients have a BMR of negative 20% or less. Normal BMR percentage ranges from negative 15% to positive 5%. High values suggest that there exists presence of thyrotoxicosis. Low values in the results suggest that there is hypothyroidism. The test indirectly measures metabolic energy expenditure or the level of heat production. Since, the standard equipment for the measurement and calculation of BMR might not be readily available, the BMR can be easily estimated and measured from the oxygen consumed over a period of time by analysing the samples of expired air. It measures the oxygen consumption rate under basal conditions of overnight fast and rest from mental and physical activity. One of them is through the evaluation of thyroid function.

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There are various methods to measure BMR. The rest is all used in basal metabolism, that is, the energy that we require in a resting state, for the body to perform functions such as blood circulation, digestion, and breathing. Nearly 20 percent of the energy we take is used for brain functioning and metabolism. Energy in BMR includes energy that is used for normal body activities like cellular homeostasis, muscular activities, cardiac function, nerve function. BMR is responsible for approximately 60% of the energy expenditure on a day to day basis.

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